Kamala Harris Aims Her Truth-Seeking Missiles At Barr And Giuliani
Senator Harris ramped up her lethal witness-questioning, all designed to tie the GOP into knots and paint them into corners.
The DOJ's Inspector General's report came out on the origins of the Mueller report. Led by IG Michael Horowitz, the report's findings concluded that the investigation into Russia's interference in our 2016 elections WAS justified, and not predicated on political bias. This made Republicans SAD, so the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings to try to discredit the Mueller report ANYWAY.
Republicans forgot they had people like Senator Kamala Harris on the opposing team, and she subjected them to her lethal witness-questioning, all designed to tie the GOP into knots, paint them into corners. Sen. Harris took the opportunity to go after Bill Barr's slavish and completely improper devotion to Trump, Rudy Giuliani's despicable and illegal activity as Trump's personal lawyer, and even got the Inspector General to come out in favor of legislation that would change the law to give the IG even MORE power to investigate the Attorney General.
Probably not exactly what the Senate Republicans were hoping for.
After establishing that FBI director Christopher Wray fully accepts the IG Report, including the findings that mistakes were made in the investigation and procedures need changing, Sen. Harris moved on to ask Horowitz about AG Barr's criticism and dismissal of the report.
Whoa. Here is the best questioner on the committee nailing Bill Barr to the wall in absentia, backing the IG into a corner, and demanding he investigate the Attorney General. Then she gets him to admit under oath that he does have the power to investigate, but not to initiate an investigation. She asks if he would support changing the law to give the Inspector General that power, and he said, "Absolutely, 100%."
With that out of the way, Sen. Harris moved onto Rudy Colludy.
Well, then.
Shorter version: Sen. Harris: "Rudy Giuliani is a criminal colluding with the Department of Justice. Are you gonna do your job and investigate this sh*t?"
IG Horowitz stammered a bit, mentioning fellow IGs with whom he'd been in touch, and that he's waiting to take cues from them, and from any matters that arise from the impeachment proceedings. He also mentioned his uncertainty about the lines drawn around his jurisdiction when it comes to initiating his own investigation, but basically, Sen. Harris extracted from him an admission that he thought Giuliani's actions were extremely alarming. She also got him to admit that an attorney general who acted solely for the benefit of the president, and not on behalf of the American people was highly problematic.
She finished with her signature rallying cry on behalf of the principle of equal justice under the law. Something for which she has always fought, and the thing that makes her questioning of witnesses so powerful. Enjoy the (nearly) full clip of her questioning above.