Kevin McCarthy Lies Because He Gets In Trouble When He Tells The Truth

It's that simple. Telling the truth cost him the speakership.

Stephanie Ruhle showed a clip of Kevin McCarthy lying to suck up to Trump, and wanted to know: How can he do that?

Matthew Miller, former Justice Department spokesman, gave his take.

"I think what you see when you play that clip from Kevin McCarthy, it very much confirms that New York Times piece, and it shows that it's not just the party of Trump but the party of Trumpism. They're not just loyal to Trump, but they adopted his entire worldview, where they attack any independent arbiter of the truth, whether or not it is the Justice Department, the media, they feel emboldened to just tell lies to the public. Trump gets away with it and they all think they can get away with it, too."

He said "when you see things like Kevin McCarthy, what would be the point?" of going through the courts.

"We don't need any more evidence of Trump's misconduct. It is all there, it is all plainly laid out in the evidence that Adam Schiff and his committee produced. What would be the point of delaying further if Republicans are just going to look at plain evidence in the face, say that black is white and up is down, does one more witness get you any further down the line? I'm not convinced that it does."

Ruhle asked former Obama adviser Philippe Reines to weigh in.

Reines talked about the two simple reasons why McCarthy does not tell the truth.

"He did so twice in the past, one is that Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the Select Committee on Benghazi, and he said that Hillary's numbers were high until they started investigating her and then they dropped. It was because he said that that he did not become Speaker of the House.

The second time he told the truth is, he was caught on tape behind closed doors saying, 'I think there are two people that Putin pays. One was Donald Trump and the other was Dana Rohrabacker.' The guy can't tell the truth, the truth has screwed him every which way. They have nothing but lying to say."

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