Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

Blue in the Bluegrass - the other Booker;

Crooked Timber - virtue signaling and vice signaling;

Echidne of the Snakes - maybe the Nordic model?

Eclectablog - start your panic giving now!

Hackwhackers - the man with the golden toilet;

Steve in Manhattan (@blogenfreude) blogs at stinque.com, and suggests listening to Prof. Larry Tribe, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Congress (and House Judiciary Committee) member Jamie Raskin, and Harry Litman talk impeachable offenses.

On a personal note: Jonathan Turley was my torts professor in 1994. He was funny and a very good instructor. He helmed a project (POPS) that helped older prisoners not likely to reoffend get released. He was primarily involved in environmental law cases. During the Clinton impeachment, he talked passionately about respect for the office and why Clinton had to be impeached. Whether he suddenly became a Fox Democrat or had always been a closet wingnut wasn't evident, at least to me, but you all saw what happened last week. And to think I used to respect and like him.

To recommend a link, send it to mbru@crooksandliars.com - we do check it!

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