Nikki Haley: Dylan Roof Hijacked Confederate Flag, A Symbol Of 'Service, Heritage And Sacrifice'

Still defending a symbol of racism in 2019 is not a good look, Nikki.

Here's a hint for Nikki Haley: When you're still defending the Confederate Flag in 2019 you might be a tad tone-deaf. But Nikki Haley got to be Governor of South Carolina precisely by pandering to racists despite being a woman of color. Quite the achievement, isn't it?

Source: Washington Post

Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley told conservative radio host Glenn Beck on Friday that the Confederate flag represented “service, sacrifice and heritage” for people in her state before mass murderer Dylann Roof “hijacked” its meaning.

Roof murdered nine African American churchgoers during an evening Bible study in Charleston, S.C., in 2015. He was an avowed white supremacist who posed for photos with the Confederate flag.

A week after the massacre, Haley, then the governor, announced her support for removing the Confederate banner from statehouse grounds.
In discussing the issue with Beck on his podcast, Haley seemed to suggest that the Confederate flag was not a symbol of hate before Roof made it so.

“Here is this guy who comes out with his manifesto holding the Confederate flag and had just hijacked everything that people thought of,” Haley said, according to a video of the interview on BlazeTV. “We don’t have hateful people in South Carolina. There’s always the small minority who are always going to be there, but people saw it as service, sacrifice and heritage. But once he did that, there was no way to overcome it.”

Haley also blamed the “national media” for “wanting to define what happened.”

“They wanted to make this about racism, they wanted to make it about gun control, they wanted to make it about the death penalty,” Haley said.

Amid the instant backlash, Nikki Haley tweeted that her comments were "misinterpreted." Make of this gibberish what you will.

The media was having none of it.

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