Nixon: ‘I Am Not A Crook.’ Trump: ‘I Am!’

Donald Trump is a crook who is using his office to enrich himself with our tax dollars.

[Video above from May 2018]

I’m reading all sorts of pop psychology punditry of how the impeachment trial in the Senate is going to motivate voters in the 2020 Goat Rodeo. It’s usually broken into that the Dems will be so angry that they will storm the Bastille, and that the Red Hats will be so determined to own the libs that they will storm the Bastille.

Who knows, really? Americans are not monolithic. There are liberals in the midwest (no, really, there are!) and conservatives in California (seriously, there are!); Last I checked, gosh, Austin is still in the South. Does anyone doubt that Wall Street is in NYC?

So in my opinion we are definitely in a cold civil war with multiple fronts, and the one that is getting all the attention is the impeachment trial, which is at best Kabuki theater. We’re wasting our energy out here in the real world (where’er that is).

The thing that matters is NOT if The Russian Usurper is found guilty/innocent of his enthusiastic extortion of an ally; he’s already impeached so we won that battle. No, I think what should move voters everywhere and of every stripe is that our (ALLEGED) president is a crook who is using his office to enrich himself with our tax dollars.

It’s a message everyone can grasp and instinctively know is true.

From his golf outings, to trying to get the G7 Summit at his failed clubs, to his bilking of charities, to, well you name it, I’m sure there’s something new every day, but he’s leaving a trail of losses in the courts that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a crook who thinks he is above the law. (And to a degree it is true if the Prznint cannot be charged while in office.)

That’s the message we should be blaring between now and the end of the 2020 Goat Rodeo: Trump is a crook who is using his office to enrich himself with our tax dollars.

Nixon could say he is not a crook, Fat Nixon cannot.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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