Dem Reps. Lay Out Facts: Trump IS Anti-Corruption Like Kim Jong-Un Is For Human Rights

During the Impeachment Debate, Reps Cicilline and Swalwell gave multiple education lessons on the law to the bratty Republicans

Over the course of nearly 9 hours (so far), the Democrats have made exceptional points regarding the illegality of Donald Trump's actions. As expected, the Republicans continue to plug their ears and squeeze their eyes shut and silently sing "la la la la can't hear you la la la la" while ignoring all facts being laid out in front of them. Oh, and they have a few poster boards with memes. That is what they brought to the hearing to defend Donald Trump.

Rep. Eric Swalwell and Rep. Cicillini always give absolutely stellar monologues when given the microphone, but they had a truly powerful 2 for 1 back and forth that needs more attention. Here is what was said:

CICILLINI: The idea that Donald Trump was leading an anti-corruption effort is like Kim Jong-Un leading a human rights effort. It's just not credible. It's just not credible. And we have facts that will demonstrate that. For example, at the very time you claim he's interested in ferreting out corruption in Ukraine, he proposed cutting by more than 50% anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. Here is an article "Trump administration sought billions of dollars of cuts in aid fighting corruption and elsewhere."

He proposed deep cuts. That's not evidence of a serious effort to fight corruption. In addition to that, in a letter to the Chairman of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Secretary of Defense, dated May 23rd, 2019, long before the July call.

"On behalf of the Secretary of Defense and in coordination with with the Secretary of State, I have certified that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms to the purpose of decreasing corruption, increasing accountability and sustaining improvements of combating capability enabled by U.S. assistance."

There's a certification. And so there's only one explanation for why it was finally released. The whistle-blower report being filed. The President got caught. So this notion that somehow this President was concerned about corruption is defied by all the evidence collected. I know you want to believe it. It's just not supported by the evidence. So, this amendment is silly. It's inaccurate. It mischaracterizes the overwhelming body of evidence that was collected in this investigation. The President of the United States attempted to drag a foreign power into our election, to corrupt the 2020 election, to cheat, undermine our national security, betray the national interest of this country. I move the balance of my time to Mr. Swalwell.

SWALWELL: My colleagues claim that so many of these facts are in dispute. I want to hear someone dispute the fact that Rudy Giuliani was Donald Trump's personal lawyer. I want to hear someone dispute the fact that when Rudy was hired, the anti-corruption Ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, was fired. I want to hear someone dispute the fact that Donald Trump told Vice President Pence to not go to President Zelensky's inauguration. I want to hear someone dispute the fact that President Trump ignored the talking points about anti-corruption in his April 21 and July 25 calls with President Zelensky. I want to hear someone dispute the facts that President Trump invoked his political rival's name four times on that July 25 call. I want to hear someone dispute the facts that the President's Chief of Staff said we are withholding the military aid because the Ukrainians need to investigate 2016. Not "I," "we." We, as in Mick Mulvaney and Donald Trump. I want someone to dispute the facts that Ambassador Sondland said quid pro quo absolutely on investigations.

I listened to your witness, Professor Turley. He said President Trump's call was anything but perfect. That was your witness, who said it was anything but perfect. I want to see a show of hands on your side. Does anyone agree with the one witness you were able to bring that that call was anything but perfect?

That is sad. And you will regret that you have sanctioned this. I yield back.

Rep. Swalwell is right. It is sad that the Republicans are too blind, dear or dumb to see the corruption that is right in front of them: Donald Trump.

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