Republicans Think Trump Is A Greater President Than Lincoln
A new poll by YouGov has Trump topping Abraham Lincoln, 53-47, among republican voters as the better president.
A poll by The Economist and YouGov had some spitting out their coffee when it was revealed that among republican voters, Trump topped Abraham Lincoln as the better president. This jaw-dropping testament to ignorance was only tempered somewhat by Reagan topping Trump, 59-41. Trump also topped Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and both Bush's. Whether self-identifying republicans actually think that or not, or were just taking the piss when doing the survey, the fact remains it's likely that many of them do believe that, as hard as it is for the rest of us to get our heads around that.
A cult. Nothing but a goddamn cult.
Source: Fox News
Who is the best Republican president between Donald Trump and Abraham Lincoln? For most Republican respondents to a recent poll, the answer is Trump.
In response to the question, “Which Republican president was better?,” more than half (53 percent) of GOP respondents answered “Trump,” while 47 percent answered “Lincoln.”
The poll was conducted by The Economist magazine and polling site
Lincoln, however, was the preferred Republican president among Democrats (94 percent), independents (78 percent), and the pool of all respondents (75 percent). Lincoln was also tops among men, women and all other categories – except Republicans.