Seb Gorka Thinks LBGTQ Characters Will 'Destroy' Star Wars

Beware the rainbow lightsabers?

Seb Gorka's "show" is all about being relevant to the kids today. So now it's about making sure Star Wars doesn't get too gay.

Don't get me started about latent Nazi uniforms and Seb Gorka. Transcript via Media Matters.

SEBASTIAN GORKA (HOST): James Bond is now a woman, and she's black. Are you ready for it? 007 has gone intersectional.

And they're going to destroy Star Wars as well, we have the statement from J.J. Abrams that Star Wars is going to go LGBTQ. Well, you know, if you couldn't destroy the franchise already, let's destroy it a little bit more.

The last installment of the Star Wars saga would include a member from the trans -- is it trans? Let's just say the alphabet soup community.

James Bond. Have you seen the trailer? Watch the trailer, and then ask yourself if you disagree with this statement. I sent the trailer, the link to the trailer to my best buddy in the UK, who is a massive James Bond expert. This is the view of a man who knows his James Bond.

"This trailer looks entirely generic. The villain of the piece is actually the Phantom of the Opera." And that's not a joke. He's wearing a half-mask, just like the musical villain.

And then a black, female 007 -- give me a break. When will Hollywood stop pandering to the SJW crowd? That's the question.

Today, I think we have the evidence, the final evidence, from impeachment to Hollywood, of how stupid the left has become.

And that's that. Gay Star Wars proves impeachment is stupid. From the mind of Seb Gorka.

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