Ted Cruz Serves Ukraine Kool-Aid Even Chuck Todd Won't Drink

Even Chuck Todd won't accept a heaping cup of 'Ukraine meddled!!!' Kool-Aid served up by Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

You may see people praising Chuck Todd for pushing back on Ted Cruz's Kool-Aid drinking during Sunday's Meet the Press.

But as Driftglass points out (not very work safe), Chuck Todd didn't HAVE to invite Ted Cruz on his show.

The guy who keeps inviting pathological Republican liars to be on his teevee show -- continues to feign shock that they pathologically lie when they are on his teevee show.

Ted Cruz pushed this BS Chuck Todd's way:

TED CRUZ: I understand that you want to dismiss Ukrainian interference because A: they were trying to get Hillary Clinton elected, which is what the vast majority of the media wanted anyway. And B: it’s inconvenient for the narrative.

And yes, Chuck Todd feigned outrage and shock.

Stop it Chuck. Ted Cruz is a Texas Republican who has proven multiple times that he's delighted to drown any and all self-respect, Jonestown-style, for the approval and votes of the rabid zombie Republicans of Texas.

The question you should have asked, even rhetorically, is this:

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