Wallace: GOP Will Delay And Then 'Make A Stink’ About 2 AM Vote

“One of the questions is how long are the Republicans going to go on,” says Chris Wallace on Fox.

Fox News host Chris Wallace explained on Wednesday that Republican lawmakers are delaying the impeachment of President Donald Trump so they can “make a stink” when the vote happens in the early hours of the morning.

“One of the questions is how long are the Republicans going to go on,” Wallace said of the delaying tactics. “They certainly have their right. And you have to wonder if part of their thought is, let’s string this out and make it as painful and as long as possible.”

“And maybe the president gets impeached at 2 in the morning,” he continued. “And then they’ll make a stink about the fact that the House impeached the President of the United States at 2 in the morning.”

Wallace also speculated that moderate Republicans could force a Senate trial to have witnesses both for and against the president.

“The one fly in the ointment on the Republican side is Donald Trump,” he explained. “Because on the one hand, I think he knows in his head that it’s better not to mess with success — not to grab defeat out of the jaws of victory.”

“But there’s a part of him that’s very upset about the fact that he didn’t really get a solid defense on the merits in the investigation in the House Intelligence Committee and the debate in the House Judiciary Committee,” Wallace said. “And he would very much like to see some people like the whistleblower, like Hunter Biden, called so that they can press their case against him.”

But Wallace guessed that Senate Republicans would eventually convince Trump not to call for Senate witnesses.

“If you do that then Democrats are going to start to call people and who knows what’s going to happen,” he pointed out.

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