2020 Mitch McConnell Should Meet 1999 Mitch McConnell On Impeachment Witnesses

Gee, only twenty years ago, McConnell was in favor of bringing live witnesses before the Senate during Bill Clinton's impeachment trial.

Can't McTurtle just party like it's 1999?

Here we have, courtesy of Andrew Kaczynski of CNN's @KFile, archive footage of our esteemed Senate Majority Leader having a good ole' guffaw with that pillar of pasty evangelicalism, Pat Buchanan about then-President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial. Buchanan asked him about Sen. Arlen Specter's complaints regarding not getting the witnesses they wanted at the trial.

McCONNELL: I assume Arlen was concerned about Senate procedures. We did that by majority vote. Had my vote prevailed, there'd have been live witnesses, I would have been prepared to vote for whatever the House managers wanted in terms of putting on their trial. That was not the majority view, but I still think we had a mountain of evidence upon which to make a decision.

Oh, REALLY? If his vote prevailed, he'd have had live witnesses? Whatever the House managers wanted? Hmmmm.

Classic case of IOIYAR*, amirite?

*It's Okay If You're A Republican

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