Adam Schiff Says 'Fudging' On Iran Intelligence Is A Dangerous Thing To Do
"There was no discussion in the Gang of Eight briefings that these are the four embassies that are being targeted and we have no exquisite intelligence that shows these or this, these are the specific targets," Schiff said.
Here's Adam Schiff on Face The Nation yesterday.
"You are part of the Gang of Eight so you are part of that group that received the very classified briefing that the defense secretary was referring to. He said the intelligence was exquisite and it was 'incredibly detailed'. Don't you quibble with his characterization of what you were told?" host Margaret Brennan asked.
"I don't quibble with it, I think it was just plain wrong. There was no discussion in the Gang of Eight briefings that these are the four embassies that are being targeted and we have no exquisite intelligence that shows these or this, these are the specific targets," Schiff said.
"About the embassy in Baghdad, he said that was the specific -- " the host said.
"I don't recall, frankly, in that briefing there being a specific discussion about bombing the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. The briefing was much more along the lines, frankly, of something that Secretary Pompeo admitted the other day when he said 'we don't know precisely where and we don't know precisely when.' That was much more the nature of the briefing that we got. In the view of the briefers, there was plotting, there was an effort to escalate, a big plan but they didn't have specificity so when you hear the president out there on Fox, he is fudging the intelligence.
"I mean you hear the secretary say, well, that wasn't what the intelligence said but that's my personal belief, he is fudging. When Secretary Pompeo was on your show last week, and made the claim that the intelligence analysis was that taking Soleimani out would improve our security .. and leaving him in would make us less safe, that is also fudging, that is not an intelligence conclusion. That is Pompeo's personal opinion."
"Is that a polite way of saying they're lying?" Brennan said.
"Well, you know, you can certainly put it that way, but frankly I think what they are doing is, they are overstating and exaggerating what the intelligence shows, and when you are talking about justifying acts that might bring us into warfare with Iran, that's a dangerous thing to do."