Brian Williams And Donna Edwards Reduce Sen. Collins To Trash

On The 11th Hour, each, in their own way, conveyed in no uncertain terms that Susan Collins' words have zero meaning or significance.

Raise your hand if you love when wicked shade is so deeply buried in a long string of extraneous verbiage that it takes you halfway into the next sentence to realize even happened — but once you do, you howl because it was such poison.

*raises hand*

Enter Brian Williams, who delivered said poison with his trademark straight face, hitting his mark, Senator Susan Collins, in the center of the bullseye. Talking to former Maryland Rep. Donna Edwards Monday night on The 11th Hour, Williams asked her about John Bolton's statement that he'd testify in a Senate trial if subpoenaed, and the effect it might have on GOP Senators like Collins.

WILLIAMS: I note Senator Collins today used a collection of words that seemed to have in common their membership in the English language, and took no position on Mr. Bolton, but this may have a way of focusing the mind of Collins and similarly vulnerable Republicans in the Senate, an up or down vote on, "What do you say, should we hear from John Bolton?"

EDWARDS: Well, actually, I refuse to look at Senator Collins' words anymore in terms of trying to convey some kind of meaning. I think she proved that in the Kavanaugh hearings. I think Mitt Romney's statements, to me, are the most interesting. He has no reason to be allied with this administration and with this president. He has every reason to want to seek the truth, and I think that his statement suggests that he could be one to actually lead the charge for a process that's fair, which would then give Speaker Pelosi some confidence that the articles of impeachment that they worked so hard on are gonna be treated seriously in a fair process in the United States Senate.

DAMN. They both kicked Susan Collins to the curb like last week's trash, and I gotta say it was worth staying up late to hear it. Edwards was like, "Her words have NO MEANING." AND THEY DON'T. There's a reason people are looking to Romney for his reaction and not Collins for hers. She will sell us out every time. It would more palatable if she didn't smarm herself up with fake concern and theatrical inner conflict about it before she surrendered us to the bad guys. Just hand over your spine and be done with it, Collins.

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