Fox News Poll Shows 50% Of Voters Want Trump Removed From Office

Trump lost 5 points in one week, but Fox News keeps flogging the lies fueling his defense.

This poll released on Sunday from FOX News (aka State Sponsored Propaganda Network) won't make Dear Leader happy. By a margin of 50 to 44%, voters want Trump removed from office. Reminder: this is a Fox News poll. Not CNN. Not MSNBC. Not Washington Post. Fox News.

Further, the poll states that, by a 19 point margin, independents want Trump removed. That is really large spread. And that voting block is critical if Trump wants to win in November because his cult, I mean "base", won't be able to re-elect him alone.

Twitter had thoughts:

Even better: Nancy Pelosi has higher approval:.

And a nice summary of the article, in under 280 characters:

Angry Trump tweet incoming in 3...2...1...

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