Furious MAGA Cult Turns On 'RINO' Matt Gaetz After War Powers Vote

In case you still had any doubts about the Trump supporters, they now think Gaetz is a RINO.

You really can't feel bad for Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Trump mini-me from Florida. The guy's right up there with the wackiest of the whack jobs, doing whatever he can to elevate Dear Leader. His high-profile licking of Trump's shoes is a wonder to behold.

But somehow, this guy convinced himself that he'd earned enough right-wing cred that he could break with Trump on behalf of his military constituents, and take a symbolic vote yesterday in favor of the non-binding War Powers Act.

Ha, ha! Boy, is he dumb! Via the Washington Post:

He spent the rest of the day explaining himself, assuring the MAGA faithful that his vote wasn’t aimed at Trump. It was instead a matter of principle. The need for Congress to approve or disapprove of war, he said, is “something I deeply believe.”

And that left House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs shaking their heads in disbelief. The “surprise there was Congressman Matt Gaetz,” said Dobbs. “Stunning … I was just shocked.”

Not just “shocked,” agreed McCarthy, but “very shocked.”

Twitter MAGAts were furious.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

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