Hannity Invites Bolton To Tell His Story On His Show Rather Than Testify

Sean Hannity thinks we should hear from John Bolton but only under Hannity’s supervision, not under oath to the United States Senate and not to all the American people during Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

Sean Hannity thinks we should hear from John Bolton but only under Hannity’s supervision, not under oath to the United States Senate and not to all the American people during Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

During his whip-against-impeachment-witnesses diatribe last night, Hannity went after his former colleague, John Bolton, whose book revelations have put pressure on senators to hear from him during the Senate trial.

Apparently, Hannity’s solution is to have Bolton “testify” to Hannity so as not to interfere with a quick acquittal of Trump and, coincidentally, ensure for himself a big ratings night.

HANNITY: You worked here. This is your old home. Come on this show and have your say on this show.

John Bolton come on the show. Your country wants to hear from you. I’d like to hear from you. You have a story to tell the country, John? Stop playing games. This is not a game when it’s the presidency of the United States. It’s not a game when you’re pushing the boundaries of executive privilege which George Washington used and every president pretty much in between and since.

I guess Hannity thinks it’s OK to push those boundaries on the Hannity show. Or does self-styled legal-eagle Hannity think he’s as good as Chief Justice John Roberts at arbitrating what’s appropriate to disclose?

You can watch Hannity try to supplant Congress above, from the January 28, 2020 Hannity show.

Published with permission of NewsHounds.

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