Illinois Sinclair Station Fearmongers Misinfo On Pot And Gun Ownership

Leave it to a Sinclair station to push false info.

Leave it to Sinclair Media to fearmonger about legalized pot in Illinois.

Illinois made recreational pot legal on January 1. Our Democratic Governor JB Pritzker (who in spite of being a billionaire has turned out to be pretty damn awesome on progressive issues) also pardoned 11,000 low-level pot convictions in the state, and promised a review of many more cases.

Sinclair Broadcasting (Channel 20) pushed the disinformation that if you buy pot in Illinois, either recreational or medicinal, your name goes in a database (it doesn't) and you are prevented from buying a gun (no).

This lie appears to have been pushed hardest by State Rep Darren Bailey on, of course, Facebook. Meet the Republican pushing disinfo that legal pot purchasers will wind up in a no-guns database.

Yes, dispensaries will scan the barcode on your license to make sure you are of age to purchase pot. They do that at Target when I buy wine, too. As the Illinois news gem Capitol Fax points out, it's against state law for the state to share your data with anyone, even the feds.

Clearly under Illinois law, no cannabis dispensary can share your personal information, unless you authorize them, to anyone or any entity. This includes the Illinois State Police (ISP) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF).

Sinclair has retracted the story. Maybe Darren Bailey as an elected representative will do that, too? Huh.

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