Giuliani Tries To Promote His OANN Show On Fox; Pirro Laughs Nervously
Jeanine Pirro Pushes Rudy To Give HER 'Evidence Of Biden Corruption'. But he's got a show on a rival network, and doesn't seem to understand that he can't use Fox airtime to promote OANN.
It's the story behind the story that matters in this video.
Rudy Giuliani is appearing on Fox News, the weekend show hosted by Jeanine Pirro. Both of them are nuts; both of them love Donald Trump.
But Jeanine is an employee of Fox. Giuliani is on a podcast on what I would call "alt-Fox News," OANN.
One America News Network is for viewers who think Fox News is not devoted ENOUGH to the Trump cause. And of course they are promoting a podcast in which Rudy Guiliani is spinning conspiracy theories about Joe Biden, as if this is the "news even Fox doesn't want you to see."
Fox is trying hard to stay ultra-loyal to Trump and at the same time carve out a hidden exit by which they can escape the Trump stink when Trump's con collapses. Yes, there are suits at Fox who know where this is headed. We'll be here to remind the sane population that they cashed all their rebranding checks with Bush and the Tea Party.
This is a very dangerous time for Fox News. Trump is collapsing in the polls and there is so much invested in him by many in the base that they can NOT abandon him. So they double down by pretending that Fox News polling showing Trump underwater, means Fox isn't accurate. And Trump is happy to help that narrative whenever Fox drops the ball:
And here comes Rudy Giuliani who is appearing on an OANN Network podcast to show his "proof" of Biden corruption, and then going on Jeanine Pirro to promote that OANN show. That's not how this works, Rudy. Newsweek:
Pirro cut off Trump's lawyer: "Alright, you know what Rudy, I'd love you to send it [the Biden "evidence"] to me and I'm gonna lay it out."
Giuliani then tried to promote coverage of the alleged Biden conspiracy by the far-right One America News Network (OANN). Pirro, with a laugh, interjected again.
"No, send it to me," she said, as Giuliani continued to promote a podcast he will do with OANN about the allegations.
If you look at the Trumpian faithful over on Twitter you can see where Jeanine Pirro's nervous laughter originates:
I prefer @OANN over @Foxnews. Fox has some @CNN type behaviors.
Sadly Fox News has been tainted by Paul Ryan and Donna Brazil's influence. The only place I find to get truth in journalism is OANN.
I have been watching OANN for a couple of years now. No FOX.
Fox News is just as bad as the rest of the Fake News! @OANN is the only conservative option these days!
This explains why the Murdochs keep Jeanine Pirro and Lou Dobbs and yes, Laura Ingraham, on the air squealing non-stop for Dear Leader Donald Trump. They're losing their market-share in a battle for "real" conservatism.
It couldn't happen to a nicer network. May they eat each other alive.