Joni Ernst Gives Away The Ballgame On Joe Biden

Ernst said she's really "interested" to see how the Senate trial affects Joe Biden's 2020 chances.

Iowa's ridiculous Senator Joni Ernst let the cat out the bag yesterday about Trump, Ukraine, and the relation to Joe Biden and the 2020 election: they're synonymous. "Screaming the quiet part into a bulhorn," said one political commentator.

Source: Common Dreams

After President Donald Trump's legal team on Monday completed the second day of their impeachment defense—which largely consisted of attacks on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter—Republican Sen. Joni Ernst told reporters that she is "really interested to see" how team Trump's performance at the Senate trial "informs and influences the Iowa caucus voters, those Democratic caucus-goers."

Ernst's remarks, which came just a week before the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses, were widely viewed as an open admission that Trump's attorneys and the Republican Party are using the Senate impeachment trial as an opportunity to damage Biden at the polls.

"This is saying the quiet part out loud," tweeted MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake, a sentiment that was echoed by others.

"Here is Joni Ernst screaming the quiet part into a bullhorn," said Kaili Joy Gray, executive editor of The American Independent, said in response to the Iowa Republican's comments.

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