Michael Flynn Deserves 6 Months In Prison, Per Prosecutors

Selling out the United States of America is six months if you're a Republican.

He'd get more time if he sold marijuana in some states... But Flynn's just a Republican operative who sold out the United States. WaPo:

Federal prosecutors on Tuesday recommended that former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn serve up to six months in prison, reversing their earlier recommendation of probation because of his drawn out attacks against the FBI and Justice Department.

The dramatic revocation of the Justice Department’s request for leniency came weeks after Flynn’s sentencing judge on Dec. 16 categorically rejected Flynn’s claims of prosecutorial misconduct and that he had been duped into pleading guilty to lying to FBI agents about his Russian contacts after the 2016 U.S. election.

“It is within the government’s sole discretion to determine whether the defendant has ‘substantially assisted’ the government,” prosecutor Brandon Van Grack wrote in a 33-page court filing. “In light of the complete record, including actions subsequent to December 18, 2018, that negate the benefits of much of the defendant’s earlier cooperation, the government no longer deems the defendant’s assistance ‘substantial.’”

Six months, however, is a change from the previous recommendation of ZERO.

Still, it's not nearly enough.

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