'The Name Is Hyde. Bob Hyde.' Trump's Loyal Thug Wanted To Be James Bond

Have you noticed that Trump surrounds himself with crooks, thugs, and pedophiles?

After reading yesterday's Lev Parnas documents from the House Intelligence Committee, I continue to be, um, impressed by the quality of people with whom Trump chooses to associate.

Like Robert Hyde, the disturbed Republican congressional candidate who was plotting with Parnas against Ambassador Maria Yovanovitch:

Hyde sent this tweet while Yovanovitch was testifying before Congress. Yes, after watching her careful testimony, my first reaction is that she was a "traitor" and a "yuge pos." Uh huh.

Like most Trump allies, he's projecting:

Seems he might be mentally ill, which makes you wonder why people like Giuliani and Trump were enabling him:

There's no question he spent a lot of time around the Cheeto:

And finally, inevitably, he donates enough money to Republicans that he can hang out with Trump Inc., but he doesn't pay his child support.

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