Nancy Pelosi Playing Chess, Trump 'Is Eating Checkers Off The Board'

Karine Jean-Pierre and Fernand Amandi commend Speaker Pelosi's impeachment game on Joy Reid's show today.

Count on Joy Reid to bring a bit of sanity, and even a burst of laughter, cynical though it may be, to a dreary political landscape with her guests Fernand Amandi and Karine Jean-Pierre. First, a bit of analysis and advice on impeachment strategy for Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Amandi, who as usual, nails the dynamics of both the Dems and the GOP with brevity and incisiveness.

When Reid brings up the idea of Speaker Pelosi sending only one of the articles to the Senate, while keeping the other to work on it, continuing calling witnesses, and thus "extend(ing) the agony" for Trump and his GOP sycophants, Amandi is all for it.

AMANDI: I endorse it 100%. I think Senate Republicans are counting on the good faith of Democrats so that they can continue acting in bad faith. They've proven to be uncompromising warriors for Trumpian autocracy. The Democrats led by Speaker Pelosi need to accept the mantle of being uncompromising warriors for constitutional democracy, and it's time to play hard ball. I think by holding one of those articles back, what it means is, she's saving one reserve. Neal Katyal said this in The Washington Post yesterday, send the obstruction charge to Mitch McConnell. Let them debate what everyone has seen before them and hold the Ukraine article in reserve. Unfortunately, if Speaker Pelosi sends both of the articles, and, in essence, capitulates, I think it's a bad thing for the Democrats.

Reid, though — based on her own admitted experience — warned against underestimating Speaker Pelosi's ability to outmaneuver her GOP counterparts. It was then that perpetual bright star Karine Jean-Pierre agreed, and cracked up the entire panel with her analogy.

REID: At the same time I -- underestimating Speaker Pelosi has been a mistake that a lot of people have made, and that lady is not just going to send those articles over because she don't have anything.

JEAN-PIERRE: I agree. Nancy Pelosi is playing chess while Donald Trump is eating the checkers off of the board. I mean that -- I mean, that is --

The entire panel needed a MOMENT to collect themselves, but thankfully, did so quickly so Jean-Pierre could continue.

JEAN-PIERRE: I've seen many things. Look, I think that you should not underestimate Nancy Pelosi. She knows exactly what she's doing while she's held these articles of impeachment, we have seen multiple things happen. DOD. We saw the e-mails of the DOD being very concerned about holding the aid. We've seen Mitch McConnell colluding with the president. We've learned that John Bolton wants to testify, there are things that are coming out in these last what, 20 some odd days that have be key and important, and Nancy Pelosi is playing chess.

Jimmy Williams piped in to ask whether or not anything Speaker Pelosi does will make a difference in what Mitch McConnell does in the Senate. He'd been working hard to make an issue of the fact that they are separate houses of Congress, and for some reason, seemed intent on proving the actions of one had no bearing on the actions of the other.

Jean-Pierre and Reid deftly disabused him of that notion.

JEAN-PIERRE: : That's not the point.

REID: Unfortunately it also depends on the strategery of the Senate Democratic leadership, and no offense, but it's not the same sort level of what Nancy Pelosi's sort of strategery might be, but I would presume that a deal with witnesses has to be out there. If she's sending it over there, expect that some witness is coming forward. That's all I'm saying. That would be my guess, is that some witness, because otherwise why are the White House already laying it down, saying they will try to stop Bolton from testifying? Something is up.

WILLIAMS: And, if they can find 51 votes to get those witnesses, I think it's awesome and wonderful.

REID: Don't be surprised if they've already started making that deal. That's all I'm saying.

JEAN-PIERRE: Public opinion matters.

REID: They've got something. I'm just saying.


I mean, after all this, after


when will men stop questioning Speaker Pelosi's game? I ask you, people, WHEN?

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