Oh, Yeah! Devin Nunes Suddenly Remembers Lev Parnas!

You know, when a guy submits electronic evidence of your phone call, it has a funny way of jogging the ole memory, Devin!

Ya know, the memory is a funny thing, isn't it? Devin Nunes insisted so very hard that he didn't know Lev Parnas — harder than Peter denied Jesus, he tried so hard.

But Devin's noggin got a joggin' once Lev Parnas appeared with Rachel Maddow last night and named Nunes as someone to whom he spoke directly, and someone who was completely involved in the entire plot surrounding the ouster of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. He'd even met with Nunes a few times, and was dealing directly with Derek Harvey, Nunes' aide. When asked if he briefed Harvey on the plans for Yovanovitch, Parnas said he hadn't needed to because Nunes knew about it all already.

Devin, Devin, Devin.

Well, NOW, Nunes remembers. He appeared with Martha McCallum on Fox News to lie his way through his previous lies. McCallum reminded him of when he said he didn't recall speaking to Parnas, or whether it was on a cell phone or not. "Have you figured out the answers to any of those questions?" she inquired with a completely straight face.

NUNES: Yeah, and if you call, it was brand new when that had come out when I came on your show, I just didn't know the name, this name, "Parnas," so, you know, what I always like to remind people is, we are dealing with people every day. We're an oversight committee, so we have incoming calls that come to my office, to my cell phone, etc., etc., and you know now that he had called my cell phone, and I didn't know his name, I didn't remember the name, but I did remember going back, looking at where I was at the time, because you know, you can do that now, you can go back and know where you physically are, checked it with my records. And it was very clear, I remember that call, which was very odd, random, talking about random things, and I said, "Great, you know, just talk to my staff," and you know, boom-boom-boom, and that's, which is normal, standard, operating procedure."

Suuuuuure. This call with the guy trying to shake down Ukraine on the president's orders was just a routine "boom-boom-boom" call. One of the many you take all day long.

McCallum pressed for more specifics, asking if any mention was made of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

NUNES: Well, the first time I remember the name Yovanovitch, the ambassador, was not until this impeachment sham started. You would have to remember what I would guess, I would be interested at that time, and we still have an ongoing investigation into what the Clinton campaign, specifically, Fusion GPS and others, who in Ukraine they were working with, and why they were involved in the Russia hoax. And now the Democrats have denied that, but it is very clear that the Democrats were heavily involved in getting Ukrainians to talk about dirt, and dig up dirt on Trump campaign officials.

You see, Devin gets a cookie every time he says one of the words on the Right Wing Nut Job Bingo Card, so he pivoted away from the Yovanovitch question by tossing in the proper word salad croutons, like "impeachment sham," "Clinton," "Fusion GPS," and "Russia hoax." He gets a big fat piece of cake if he turns it into a "I'm rubber, you're glue!" situation, like he did at the end, there, accusing the Clintons of doing EXACTLY what the GOP themselves are being exposed for doing - breaking the law, bribing and extorting other countries to dig up dirt on political opponents, and lying about it through their tiny, sharp, yellow teeth.

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