Sen. Richard Shelby Excuses Trump's Criminal Acts As 'Political Statements'

It seems there is absolutely no level of open criminality that won't be excused by Trump's Republican enablers.

I guess it's asking too much of ABC This Week host George Stephanopoulos to remind Republican Alabama Senator Richard Shelby that it is actually illegal to solicit foreign interference in our elections here in the United States, as Trump has done time and time again.

Here's Shelby this Sunday pretending that Trump isn't involved up to his neck in the Ukrainian scandal, and excusing what Trump has done in public, asking everyone from Russia to China, to whoever to get involved in U.S. elections as just "political statements" and a "mistake."

Anyone think Shelby would be saying that this stuff just "happens all the time" if it was a Democrat flagrantly breaking the law as we've seen the Trump administration do since taking power?

Here's Shelby's blatant hypocrisy in the clip above via ABC:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Setting aside whether it's an impeachable offense, do you think it was proper for the president to solicit foreign interference in our election?

SHELBY: Well, I don't know that has been actually proven. You know, that's all in dispute, of what happened, whether the Russians were involved in it, whether Ukrainians involved in it, who was involved in it, and to what extent. But I've never seen anything that -- where Trump actually was involved in.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, no, I asked if it was OK to solicit. We've seen the president in public ask the Ukrainians to get involved, ask the Chinese to get involved.

SHELBY: Well, those are just statements, political. They make them all the time.


SHELBY: I didn't say it was OK. I said people make them -- people do things. Things happen.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, this is the president of the United States.

SHELBY: Well, still the president of the United States is human. And he's going to make mistakes of judgment and everything else. They have historically, both parties, both from the beginning of our republic.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you say it was a mistake, but not necessarily impeachable?

SHELBY: Well, I'd say -- I don't believe -- like Professor Dershowitz at this point -- that it rises to the standard of an impeachable offense. But I still think we should wait and see what comes out in the trial itself.

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