Sen. Whitehouse Stuns Bill Hemmer With Assessment Of Dershowitz's Arguments
On Fox News, the senator from Rhode Island held no punches in telling the Fox News host he thought Alan Dershowitz's legal theories were "embarrassing."
Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer did not order what Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse served up in their discussion about Trump's defense team on impeachment. Specifically, Hemmer asked Sen. Whitehouse about Alan Dershowitz — once a revered constitutional scholar and legal mind — and the arguments Dershowitz laid out in defense of Trump's behavior regarding extortion of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Not quite sure what Hemmer expected out of Sen. Whitehouse, since the Dersh is just one of many hypocrites who have completely reversed themselves on matters of impeachment and Russia, but it clearly wasn't the answer he got.
SEN. WHITEHOUSE: He started off on a bad note, because he told us that the standard we had to meet as senators was proof beyond a reasonable doubt which every senator knows is wrong. So that didn't get him off to a very good start. Then when he started talking about how this had to be criminal law, he had to reflect that, yes, he'd said the opposite before, and that yes, the weight of current authority is completely against him, and then he turned on himself and said we shouldn't be looking at the president's intent, when in any criminal case, intent is at the heart of the proceedings. So, that you get the heads of all the prosecutors in the room, they snapped up as he said that, because it made no sense.
HEMMER: So, I take it you weren't convinced by his arguments. A few other things.
SEN. WHITEHOUSE: No, actually I thought It was embarrassing.
HEMMER: Wow. Alan Dershowitz's presentation was embarrassing?
SEN. WHITEHOUSE: I thought so, it was really unfortunate.
Hemmer sat for a moment, stunned, before he took a breath and changed the subject. Unfortunately, that's what happens too often on Earth 2. When presented with hard truths in unvarnished, clear language, the only allowable option is to change direction.