Trump's 'Attorneys' Appeared On Fox Over 350 Times In 2019
We assume they've done just enough personal bankruptcy work to keep their licenses.
Above: Laura Ingraham brags about Fox's connection to Trump's legal team.
LAURA INGRAHAM: As the senate jockeys over the rules for next week's impeachment trial, the President today announced his defense team, and it's stacked with some serious legal minds. There is White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Trump's personal attorney Jay Sekulow, and just today, frequent guest on this show-- it's like one of our legal panels--Ken Starr, Alan Dershowitz, and Robert Ray. All added in various capacities. There's also Jane Raskin and Pam Bondi, both formidable female attorneys, but just great attorneys, forget whether they're female or not.
And Media Matters points out that this is a reality TV legal team with scripted lawyers straight outta Fox News, who have appeared on the network 350 times JUST IN 2019.
Combined, Starr, Dershowitz, Bondi, and Ray have made at least 365 weekday Fox News appearances since January 2019.
They've got a fool for a client. And they'd better get their fee up front.