Tucker Carlson Made Sense On Iraq And The World Is Upside Down

Truly, people on Earth 1 are questioning their sanity when they are agreeing with Tucker Carlson's take on the assassination of Qasem Soleimani and the danger in which it places the U.S.

Tucker Carlson spent a full minute on his show — wait for it — making sense. He talked about the Trump's ordering the assassination of Iraq's top military leader, Qasem Soleimani, with alarm and disgust, and asked exactly the right questions.

1. Is Iran really the greatest threat we face?
2. Who's actually benefitting from this?
3. If we're still in Afghanistan nineteen sad years later, what makes us think there's a quick way out of Iran?

He then ripped apart Sen. Ben Sasse for his "chest-thumping" that this was a very "simple" decision to make because of how evil Soleimani was.

CARLSON: Soleimani was certainly a bad guy. But does that make killing him, quote, very simple? It does not. Nothing about life, and certainly nothing about killing is ever very simple, and any politician that tells you otherwise is either very dumb, or is lying.

So, at first, my brain broke. My synapses just short-circuited when sense came out of Tucker Carlson's face.

Twitter agreed with me.

However, let's also remember that a broken clock is right twice a day. Furthermore, as some astute observers pointed out, Carlson was far more comfortable blaming Ben Sasse than Donald Trump, whose name wasn't mentioned once.

For me, I can admit Carlson doesn't want our kids to go to war shows his judgment on this one issue is in line with mine. It doesn't, however, even begin to mitigate the ways in which he harms the vulnerable populations here at home and around the world with his relentless propagation of white supremacy and sexism. One baby step in the right direction is not nearly enough to un-cancel his ass.

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