C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Cheap Trick

Til we meet again...

If you're a regular follower of the music club, you may know that yours truly will soon be moving to a few states away from the one I've been living in most of my life. There's a lot to situate and do and little time to get it all done right.

After tonight, I am turning over my keys of the music club to very capable hands so I can get such things done.

It's been great fun to turn you on to tunes I've been digging over the last four years and some months and, who knows, maybe once I am settled in at my new digs and a new work gig, I will return and kick out some more jams for you.

Until then, let me leave you with the first big rock band I ever saw live. It was Cheap Trick at the small arena in my hometown of Port Huron, Michigan in 1981. I was 14 years old and was a massive fan of the band. It ruled!

If you wanna keep up to date on my adventures from now until whenever, you can find me at Twitter, Instagram and, of course, at Smashin' Transistors.

Oh, by the way, what are you listening to tonight?

Editor's note: We're so grateful for Dale's contribution to C&L and wish him every happiness in his new digs! The Music Club is moving to Saturday nights, and you'll see a lot more music posts in our nightly open threads as well. As always, feel free to share what's playing on your hi-fi in open threads every night here at Crooks and Liars.

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