Drain The Swamp? Trump Pardons FOUR High-Profile Convicts

Trump commutes the sentence of convicted bribery for Rod Blagojevich and pardons Edward DeBartolo Jr. And then...Bernie Kerik. Wow that's blatant.

So much for "Drain the Swamp."

Donald Trump pardoned former San Francisco 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo Jr, commuted the sentence of former Illinois governor (and Celebrity Apprentice contestant, yeah) Rod Blagojevich, and pardoned "friend of Rudy" Bernie Kerik today.

Both Blagojevich and DeBartolo were convicted in bribery cases. Go figure. Kerik pleaded guilty to 8 charges that included tax fraud and lying to White House officials.

Blago in particular is a ridiculous move. He was removed from office and forbidden to ever hold office again for attempting to SELL Barack Obama's Senate seat. They have him dead-to-rights on the phone trying to make a deal.

In 2018 Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger joined many in telling Trump, "Don't do it."

We all know what this is about:

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