Elizabeth Warren Is Coming For Corrupt Republicans: 'Roger Stone, I'm Looking At You'

This entire corrupt White House administration should be terrified of Sen. Warren. Where's her cape?


It doesn't appear that Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren is dejected in the slightest by her showing in the New Hampshire primary. She has lost none of her fire and focus in coming for Donald Trump and his crime syndicate metastasizing through our government. At her rally last night once the New Hampshire results were in, she stood tall, pointed fingers and named names.

SEN. WARREN: On a day when career prosecutors showed more backbone than almost every Republican Senator, standing up to this president, Americans of all political stripes are gravely concerned about the corruption of a Trump Justice Department that abandons the rule of law, to give sweetheart deals to criminals who commit their crimes on behalf of Donald Trump, and yes, Roger Stone, I'm looking at you.

It matters not in which office Senator Warren ends up. Roger Stone, Bill Barr, and Donald Trump should ALL be terrified of her.

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