Elizabeth Warren Is Coming For Corrupt Republicans: 'Roger Stone, I'm Looking At You'
This entire corrupt White House administration should be terrified of Sen. Warren. Where's her cape?
It doesn't appear that Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren is dejected in the slightest by her showing in the New Hampshire primary. She has lost none of her fire and focus in coming for Donald Trump and his crime syndicate metastasizing through our government. At her rally last night once the New Hampshire results were in, she stood tall, pointed fingers and named names.
It matters not in which office Senator Warren ends up. Roger Stone, Bill Barr, and Donald Trump should ALL be terrified of her.
Donald Trump is shredding the rule of law in this country. His AG overruled career prosecutors to reduce the sentence for his buddy Roger Stone after Stone committed crimes to protect him. Every Republican who voted to acquit Trump for his corrupt actions enabled and owns this.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020
Donald Trump can continue his corrupt rampages and vendettas because elected Republicans do nothing. They lack the courage and backbone shown by four career prosecutors who stepped down rather than facilitate the Attorney General’s corrupt scheme. But we are not powerless.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020
Congress must act immediately to rein in our lawless Attorney General. Barr should resign or face impeachment. And Congress should use spending power to defund the AG’s authority to interfere with anything that affects Trump, his friends, or his elections.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020
I am the only candidate to propose an independent DOJ task force to investigate crimes by Trump administration officials. Every Democratic candidate must commit to it—so Trump officials know they will be held accountable by career prosecutors once he is out of office.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020
Abusing official power to protect political friends and attack opponents is common in authoritarian regimes like Putin’s Russia. Trump and Barr’s conduct has no place in our democracy. To end it, Congress must act—and the American people must hold them accountable in November.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020