Fox News Attacks Pelosi For Her Supposed 'Obsession With Impeachment'

Trump's attack dogs over on State-Run TV are already working the refs with their gullible viewers if House Democrats continue to do their jobs and investigate and expose Trump's criminality.

For anyone who wasn't already sure why their Crazy Uncle Liberty is dead sure that Dear Leader has done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve impeachment, it's from watching one too many segments like this one over on State-Run TV, a.k.a. Fox "news."

In upside-down land this Sunday, poor old picked on Trump is completely innocent, Speaker Pelosi is the one who's "obsessed" and "crazy," exposing Trump's crimes and impeaching him over it, not covering them up the way the Senate did, is bad for Democrats, and continuing to investigate them is going to hurt them in the upcoming election. And Pelosi ripping up Trump's lie-filled gaslighting abomination of a speech is akin to treason and the most horrible offense anyone could ever think of committing and somehow an insult to anyone that Trump mentioned in the speech.

Here's the crew on Fox & Friends having a hissy fit over Pelosi's interview on CNN the previous day.

HEGSETH: It appears that crazy Nancy Pelosi doesn't want the spotlight to leave. She can't quit impeachment, and she has her view of what it all represents, how long it will last, what it all means. So she went on another network yesterday. Starts with C and ends with N, and she couldn't stop talking about her obsession with the president and obsession with impeachment.

PELOSI: You can't have an acquittal unless you have a trial and you can't have a trial without witnesses and documents. So he can say he was acquitted, and the headlines can say acquitted but he's impeached forever, branded with that, and not vindicated.

JENKINS: Branded. It's not a tattoo, just to be clear, but you know, it is obviously clear that this is perhaps Speaker Pelosi, who earned her due being elected not once but twice as Speaker of the Democratic controlled House setting the narrative for November by trying to hang impeachment on the president's neck .

COMPAGNO: I love how you phrased that. You said "Why she's so obsessed with it?" Why is it so impossible? Why couldn't she be obsessed with being a good steward of our taxpayer dollars? Why couldn't she be obsessed with cleaning up her district in San Francisco which is absolutely... like, disgusting and rotting, which is where I'm from in the Bay area?

There are so many more positive things she could be obsessed with. Instead she's obsessed with this president's election and the fact that he will be, quote, impeached forever, and she's not letting it lie. She is now talking about continuing to do it. I mean, literally dragging it on like the virus that won't end.

HEGSETH: Well, exactly right. She is... first of all, if you're impeached forever, then you're acquitted forever. Second of all, Griff, you mentioned the narrative. This was a terrible narrative for Democrats. You look at the president's approval rating from when impeachment started to where it is right now. What Democrat in America today wishes that Nancy Pelosi would keep talking about this?

If anything, they want to turn the page. You don't hear presidential candidates talking about impeachment. Because the president was acquitted. He did nothing wrong. Her obsession, ultimately, is going to hurt Democrats .

JENKINS: She's clearly, when she tore this speech up, at the State of the Union, as she was sending a message that's where she's going to do. She was asked about tearing up the president's speech. Here's what she said.

PELOSI: I had no intention of doing that when we went to the State of the Union. I'm a speed reader so I was reading ahead. I knew what was there. I got past like about a third of it, and I thought, this is terrible. Then I realized that most every page had something in it that was objectionable.

HEGSETH: I wasn't planning on tearing up my sheets. I was just pre-tearing them during that sound bite just in kiss at the end I wanted to tear up my sheets. If you do well I'm not going to tear it up. If i don't like it, I'm prepared .

COMPAGNO: How can she say that since we all saw her pre-tearing it? How can she have that lie come out of her house knowing she's not transparent? I'm a speed reader.

And then the audience was treated to this by Hegseth:

This eventually led to Hegseth ripping up his own show notes one by one in order to slam Pelosi and accuse her of disrespecting every honored guest at the State of the Union.

“If every page was objectionable, then that’s precisely what she was tearing up,” Hegseth said. “And do you really believe Nancy Pelosi’s a speed reader? I mean, she may have had speed read the Bible, because prays a lot, but she may not have read it in a slow fashion like the rest of us to truly understand what it means.”

Somehow Hegseth managed to finish the segment without being struck by lightening after saying this.

The talking heads on Fox love to crow about Trump's approval ratings ever since Gallup had an outlier poll showing him with a 49 percent approval rating. The Washington Post explained why they shouldn't be celebrating just yet and why it's probably wrong: Has Trump’s approval rating really shot up to 49 percent? Probably not..

FiveThirtyEight shows Trump is still stuck in the mud in the low forties and headed on a downward trajectory, but don't tell his cheerleaders over on Trump TV.

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