India — Where Kushners Vacation, Millers Honeymoon, And Trump Mortifies!
India, poor India. Feel free to keep the Trumps. And the Millers and Kushners, too.
It's not bad enough that Trump travels the world to embarrass us in every single foreign language and culture.
Some extremely high-risk reading by Trump during his speech in India
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 24, 2020
Tens of thousands had the good sense to walk out in the middle of his speech.
No, none of that is bad enough. Trump had to bring his daughter/wife and her huzbot, Jared on the trip as well. So the Kushners tagged along for a lovely taxpayer-funded vacation. Isn't that adorable? Enjoy the vacant gaze and tentative walk of a personoid terrified of creasing their brow or their heel sinking into the grass too far. And Ivanka looked exactly the same way! Behold Trump pointing to a tree!
The Trumps can look clueless in a video where they don’t even speak!! And look who joined them on the trip!
— Mystery Solvent (@MysterySolvent) February 24, 2020
Nay, THAT is not bad enough! Did you all notice who else is there? Why, it's Baby Goebbels, Stephen Miller himself! Is this the Millers' honeymoon, too? Or, is this the best chance for the Muslim Haters United meeting? Both? After all, we know the two countries' administrations will defy all constitutional norms to keep Muslims out of their countries. Even today as Trump visits, anti-Muslim violence happens in the streets of Dehli.
This was happening in Delhi while Modi was boasting about largest Democracy and Gandhi to Trump in Ahmedabad. RSS people and BJP goons surrounding helpless man and lynching them to prove their love for India.If this Idia of India disturbs you than please speak up.#DelhiBurning
— Anwer H Azad (@AnwerHAzad1) February 24, 2020
"For decades, the US-India relationship was anchored by claims of shared values of human rights and human dignity. Now, those shared values are discrimination" - Margaret Huang, @amnesty.
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) February 24, 2020
Rest easy, America. Who doesn't love their foreign policy with grotesque nationalism as the main dish, with a huge helping of oozing grift on the side?