Lindsey Graham: Rudy Giuliani Is Still Digging Biden Dirt For Bill Barr

Lindsey Graham tells Face The Nation that Giuliani is passing along dirt he found about Biden to Barr and the DOJ

Remember that whole "impeachment thing" where Donald Trump was actually impeached (and then not exonerated) for withholding military aid to Ukraine until they put out a statement that they were investigating Hunter Biden, the son of Trump's potential Presidential rival, Joe Biden? Well, if anyone (cough Susan Collins cough) thought Donald Trump learned anything from his acquittal (not exoneration) just 4 days ago, they were wrong.

Just this morning, Lindsey Graham was on Face the Nation and told Margaret Brennan that Rudy "the Mouth" Giuliani continues to try to dig up dirt on Biden in Ukraine and that Graham is encouraging him to turn that information over to Bill Barr at the DOJ. Here is what he said:

SEN. GRAHAM: So Rudy Giuliani last night said he's got the goods on Hunter Biden. I called the attorney general this morning and Richard Burr, the chairman of the Intel Committee, and they told me take very cautiously anything coming out of the Ukraine against anybody...But if Rudy Giuliani has any information coming out of the Ukraine, he needs to turn over the Department of Justice because it could be Russian propaganda.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You last time you're on this program now in December, you said Giuliani should come to the Judiciary Committee with what he said was a suitcase full of documents he picked up in Ukraine on the Bidens. Are you saying you don't want any part of this anymore?

SEN. GRAHAM: After talking to the attorney general and the intelligence chairman that any documents coming out of the Ukraine against any American, Republican or Democrat, need to be looked at by the intelligence services, who has expertise I don't because Russia is playing us all like a fiddle.

Oh. And Bill "Donald Trump's Personal Lawyer" Barr's involvement is explained a little bit more:

MARGARET BRENNAN: Can you clarify? You said you talked to Attorney General Barr--

SEN. GRAHAM: This morning.

MARGARET BRENNAN: --this morning. Has the Department of Justice been ordered to investigate the Bidens?

SEN. GRAHAM: No. The Department of Justice is receiving information coming out of the Ukraine from Rudy--


SEN. GRAHAM: --to see. He told me that they've created a process that Rudy could give information and they would see if it's verified. Rudy Giuliani is a well known man. He's a crime fighter. He's loyal to the president. He's a good lawyer. But what I'm trying to say- to the president and anybody else, that the Russians are still up to it. Deterrence is not working. So let's look at Hunter Biden's conflict. Let's look at Joe Biden. Vice President Biden, what did you do when they told you your son was on Burisma's board? It undercuts your ability to fight corruption. Did you take it seriously? Obviously he didn't. But when it comes to documents coming out of the Ukraine, to Republicans and Democrats, be very cautious turning--

Then Brennan gets right to it. Why is Giuliani being sent on an opposition research search on the taxpayer dollar? Literally the definition of a personal political investigation. This does not benefit the country - it benefits Donald Trump.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But- I understand that. However, when you're talking about being asked to do these things in a channel being open between Rudy Giuliani and the Justice Department, this sounds a lot like this is in some ways a taxpayer funded oppo-research operation against Joe Biden. Isn't this exactly what was at the heart of the impeachment probe to begin with?

SEN. GRAHAM: No, not at all.

Then Brennan asks a great question that many of us want the answer to:

MARGARET BRENNAN: Who's paying Rudy Giuliani?

SEN. GRAHAM: I don't know. Here's my message to Rudy: If you've got something coming from the Ukraine, turn it over to the intelligence people, the Department of Justice, to any Democrat.

So we don't know who is paying Rudy. We didn't get an answer as to whether this was a personal political favor. And clearly Graham thinks nothing that Trump is doing is wrong. Even though he was literally impeached for it.

Keep drinking the kool-aid, Lindsey.

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