Marco Rubio Posts Panicked Video Urging People Not To Panic
"Marco Rubio on Wednesday urged Americans not to panic over the coronavirus in a video that looks like it was recorded in his doomsday bunker."
Judging by Rubio's worried, fearful expression, one wonders if he's thinking about the effects of an outbreak of the coronavirus, or what happens if Donald Trump sees his ridiculous Twitter video.
Source: New York Magazine
Marco Rubio on Wednesday urged Americans not to panic over the coronavirus in a video that looks like it was recorded in his doomsday bunker.
“A lot of people freaking out this morning about coronavirus,” the Florida senator says at the start of the video, as his eyes nervously dart around a small room. He goes on to list all the reasons why it’s “not a time to panic.”
Rubio’s words might project confidence, but the black-and-white footage, camera angle, and paranoid glances suggest coronavirus-infected zombies are seconds away from breaking down his door and devouring him.