Pastor Robert Jeffress Tells Fox News: Liberal Churches 'Deserve To Die'

There is nothing more godly than wishing churches that espouse different views than yours to die.

Guys, I am starting to think that God may rescind Pastor* Robert Jeffress' ticket to heaven based on some pretty non-Christian comments he just made to Septegarian Hate Monger Lou Dobbs on Fox News about churches that do not follow his personal political views.

He said:

"There are some churches that deserve to die. Liberal churches that are changing God's message to fit the culture, those churches are dying."

Oh. So churches that don't follow his views "deserve to die"? Doesn't that go against Christianity? Wasn't Jesus accepting of all people, no matter their religion, age, gender, job, etc?

He continued spewing his twisted hate speech by saying:

"Lou, churches that try to change their message but never change their methods end up dying. But conservative churches that refuse to change the message, the eternal truth of God's word, but they do change their methods are growing. And you know, our church in downtown Dallas - we cover six blocks of downtown Dallas - we haven't changed our message in 150 years because God's word never changes. But our methods change. We are bursting at the seams. We are just adding a $35 million addition to take care of all the young families and children flocking into our church. God blesses a church that honors His unchanging word. "

What the heck is he talking about? The message is pretty much set in stone - or more literally, the Bible. Is there another set of books that I don't know about? Is there a Democratic Bible? CAN I BUY IT WITH A RAINBOW COVER AND AN EMBOSSED PHOTO OF HILLARY CLINTON AND BARACK OBAMA ON THE COVER?

But seriously, this guy is equating his hate speech and twisting of the Bible - and a vanity renovation costing $35M (to his supporters, no doubt) as proof that his messed up viewpoints on religion, morality and politics are right? Pastor Jeffress is right up there with other religious charlatans that hide behind the Bible and Cross and pretend to be some sort of thought leaders. Cult leaders is more like it.

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