Rep. Swalwell Assures Us Trump’s Problems Are Far From Over

#MoscowMitch and his GOP lackeys may have protected Dear Leader from damaging evidence in the Senate, but Rep. Eric Swalwell promises the House will keep investigating Trump’s “unsavory dealings,” and not just with Ukraine.

Appearing on MSNBC last night, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) noted that just conducting oversight hearings is a way to check Trump’s power. “You know, Ukraine was not going to get the aid until we started our impeachment inquiry,” Swalwell pointed out.

Swalwell, a member of both the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees said the House is “not going to rule out” subpoenaing John Bolton and not just to question him about Trump’s behavior with Ukraine. If the leaks about Bolton’s book are true, Swalwell said, “there are other unsavory dealings with other countries, which we will be looking into.”

Later, Swalwell said that while he hopes a future Democratic administration will usher in “an era of reformation,” he signaled that the House will continue working "to protect our country" regardless.

SWALWELL: If you look at this like a ten-story condominium building, we were only in the Ukraine room, and when you turn on the lights, you saw rats everywhere. Who knows what's going on in the Turkey room, or the Saudi room, or the Russia room, and so, yes. We have a duty to protect our country, and explore further what claims John Bolton may have, and what other dealings this president may have been involved in, and we're not gonna stop just because the Senate didn't do their job.


I don’t know about you but I feel quite a bit better about the future of our democracy hearing these words.

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