SCOTUS Justice Sonia Sotomayor Calls Out Conservative Justices For Pro-Trump Bias
It is rare for a Supreme Court Justice to speak out against her fellow justices, but Justice . Sonia Sotomayor did just that.
It is not common for Supreme Court Justices to come out and publicly go against fellow justices. They keep that commentary for their written dissents to cases before the Supreme Court. But, after a despicable ruling that was decided along party lines (5-4) which allowed the Trump administration to implement a "wealth tax" on immigrants in all 50 states, Justice Sonia Sotomayor could not hold back.
ABC News reports that the dissent, written by Justice Sotomayor, called out the conservative wing of the Supreme Court in such a public fashion, accusing them of being "biased toward the Trump administration." Here is why that matters — it is expected for justices to vote in a conservative or liberal fashion, but to call them deferential to a particular president is stark commentary. They are being called MAGA/Trump Cult all the way.
Shots. Fired.
To catch people up on this "wealth tax" — it is a way of forcing immigrants to prove that they have attained a certain level of financial status to reduce the likelihood that they will rely on the U.S. government to support them in any fashion (ie become a "public charge"). Think about that. Immigrants coming from small villages in Africa or South America might NEVER attain the level required to enter our country. Basically, this means that the only immigrants that could make it in would be from rich countries, Europe, etc. So this is a blatant way of blocking brown and Black people from entering our country.
This goes counter to everything that our country was built on. The inscription on the Statue of Liberty actually reads:
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...”
It says the word "POOR."
So are we changing the inscription based on this Supreme Court ruling? Is that where we are now?
In her dissent, Sotomayor wrote separately, addressing the DOJ's repeated demands for decisions based on "emergencies" that simply do not exist, as a means of getting rulings implemented quickly. And, sadly, the 5 conservative justices seem all too happy to give in to Trump. Sotomayor wrote that this decision to rule everything an "emergency" has “benefited one litigant over all others:" the Trump administration.
The Supreme Court has been weaponized to provide Donald Trump with every racist and evil ruling he wants. Just a reminder that they are hearing cases related to his taxes in the coming months. Don't be shocked if they rule in favor of the King.