Secrets And Lies — Sen. Chris Murphy Asks GAO To Investigate Trump

Sen. Murphy is taking steps to hold Trump accountable for abusing the classification system for political — not security — purposes.

This caught my attention yesterday but I didn’t get around to it:

And if you follow the link to the article it becomes clear…

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) has called on the Government Accountability Office, or GAO, to undertake a review of whether the administration is over-classifying government information to keep it hidden from public view to protect Trump.

…that it already happened.

I’m talking about the NSA classified server where Impeached-for-Life Prznint Stupid’s minions buried the so-called perfect call’s actual transcript, which so far has not seen the light of day. “Read the transcript,” he’s moo’ed at us, endlessly. And I would be delighted to, so please declassify it.

But I think even the GAO will be stonewalled because those servers are generally compartmentalized so even knowing that a project exists can be a breach of security.

Here’s kinda how it works:

  • Clearances are given on a project-by-project basis. A Top Secret clearance on Project A does not mean someone has any clearance on any other project.
  • People assigned to Project A might not ever know about the existence of Project B. (Famously the Stealth Bomber team did not know about the Stealth Fighter team during the Carter administration, so when Carter [oops!] announced one, that was the first time that the other team [officially] knew about it!)
  • The list of people assigned to any project is itself classified.
  • Compartmentalized information is compartmentalized for a reason: by restricting access, they can restrict leaks and/or track down who leaked more easily. If only 5 people knew about X, one of ’em is the leaker.)

So… Someone at the GAO would have to be given clearance for a project that officially doesn’t exist (Project Quid Pro Quo) and would only be allowed to see that. So on a practical level, this is never going to happen, at least not while The Russian Usurper is in office.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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