Susan Collins Betrays The Country With Vote To Acquit

Not that anyone is surprised by her complete lack of conviction.

None of this is a surprise. None of it. Not that Trump cheated, that he broke the law, that he continues to cheat and break the law, that the a$$holes in the GOP do everything they can to allow him to get away with it, and that Sen. Susan Collins will provide fodder for Cecily Strong on Saturday Night Live for the rest of her living days.

The Senator from Maine, who is hated even more than Mitch McConnell (well DONE, Susan!) took to the floor of the Senate today to announce that she will vote to acquit King Donald of both impeachment charges brought by the House.

First of all, she sounded like she was explaining the concept of "Near" and "Far" to a group of pre-schoolers. And frankly, Grover did a much f*cking better job of it.

COLLINS: Madam President, this decision is not about whether you like or dislike this president. Or agree with or oppose his policies. Or approve or disapprove of his conduct in other circumstances.

* insert record SKREEEEEEECH here*

Hold up, Susan. Impeachment is not about whether or not you disapprove of a president's conduct? Even if that conduct involves cheating in order to steal an election?

Rather, it is about whether the charges meet the very high Constitutional standard of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. It has been 230 years since George Washington first took the oath of office, and there are good reasons why during that entire time the Senate has never removed a president.

Which means there never will be? Honestly, Collins' lack of imagination and intellectual depth would be astonishing if it weren't so constantly on display.

Such a move would not only affect the sitting president, but could have unpredictable and adverse consequences for public confidence in our electoral process. It is my judgement that except when extraordinary circumstances require a different result, we should entrust to the people the most fundamental decision of a democracy, namely, who should lead their country.

Again. What in the name of brown-skinned, curly-haired, bicycle-riding, James Taylor-loving, Sweet Baby Jesus would constitute extraordinary circumstances, if not a president who extorted another nation in order to get dirt on an American for political gain? What, if not a president who doesn't know that Kiev is in Ukraine? What, if not a president who daily, probably HOURLY endangers our national security by revealing classified information to foes, using his phone, hiring people who stalk and talk about harming American ambassadors, kissing the ass of dictators, constitutes extraordinary circumstances?

She thinks Trump has "learned his lesson?" She is worse than the mother who allows her child to choose their punishment. It's hard to know if she is dumber than a bag of hair or she thinks the rest of us are. Trump hasn't ever, ever learned ANYTHING except for the fact that he can get away with f*cking anything he wants. Yes, you can read that sentence both ways. For Collins to pretend otherwise is beyond insulting. Beyond gaslighting. It's abuse.

Collins claims to want to leave this decision to the people. Well, presumably, the people have not only chosen the president, but the Constitution, as they live here, and under it, and have chosen representatives to Congress who are supposed to enforce its machinations. One of those machinations is impeachment, Susan. The people expect Congress to use it when the nation is in grave danger from the president. And you have failed.

F*cking miserably. But don't worry. No one expected any better from you.

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