Tucker Carlson: Roger Stone Case Proves Dems Will Arrest Trump Supporters

I dunno, Tucker, how many Trump supporters will have the opportunity to engage in perjury before Congressional investigators? And commit SEVEN felonies?

Tucker Carlson lost it on his show Thursday in defense of Roger Stone. Via Media Matters:

TUCKER CARLSON: Enough. This farce must end. Apparently there are people around the president telling him not to pardon Roger Stone or to wait until after the election. No. The president must pardon Stone immediately. Trump's voters know that at some point they could be where Roger Stone is right now. This is a horrifying precedent for everyone and it cannot be allowed to stand.

Where Roger Stone is right now? Found guilty of seven felonies and comfortable in his Miami home while the judge decides if the abuse of power on his behalf by the Attorney General of the United States warrants him receiving a new trial?

Trump supporters will NEVER be where Roger Stone is now, basking in the glow of being the most famous ratf*cker in all of history. Get over yourself, Tucker.

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