New Ad Crushes Trump For His COVID-19 Lies

CAP released a devastating new ad highlighting the stark difference between all of Trump's lies compared to what even his alleged allies are saying about the pandemic.

It's not hard to find moments when Trump lies - it's hard, if not impossible to find moments when he doesn't lie. The Center for American Progress released a video focusing on the myriad and continuing lies he is telling about our nation's state of preparedness for the COVID-19 outbreak. Every Democrat running for office should share this.

  • Trump saying anyone can get a test? Fauci testifying in Congress that they cannot.
  • Trump saying, "We're testing, we have tremendous testing set up?" Pence saying, "We don't have enough tests."
  • Reporter asking if Trump takes responsibility for lack of testing? Trump says "I don't take responsibility at all."
  • Trump saying we have people getting better by going to work. Mayor of Seattle saying stay home.
  • Trump says vaccine will be ready in a couple of months? Fauci saying 18 months if we're lucky.

You get the idea. While now the virus is in all 50 states, entire school districts have shut down, and we still do not have enough test kits for everyone doctors would like to see tested. The CAP ad correctly states that Trump's lies are costing lives.

In the meantime our Dear Leader tried to make a deal with Germany to get the exclusive rights to the coronavirus vaccine they were developing, and they wanted the vaccine developed "only for the USA." Because cornering the market is all that matters to this @sshole. Of course, Germany refused, and they are exposing this disgusting move, as they should.

It will go away. Just stay calm. It will wash away. It will flow through. It goes away. It's going away. Just let spring come, right? The heat kills it!

Something's going away, or rather, goddess willing, someONE is going away. But it won't be in the spring. It will be in November.

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