Despicable Grifters Gloat About Profiting Off Coronavirus: An 'Opportunity'
I nominate these scumbags for "worst people in the world".

It's official. I have found the most despicable, vile, contemptuous pieces of human excrement in recent memory. Who are these walking, festering pustules and what have they done to earn the scorn of social media (and hopefully their friends and family)?
Meet Manny Ranga and his wife, Violeta Perez of Vancouver. The Star is reporting that these grifters went to every single Costco they could get to and bought out the entire stock of Lysol Disinfecting Wipes. When asked by someone walking by if that was for them, they lied (of course), saying it was for a "Cleaning company."
No, they do not own a cleaning company. But they are cleaning stores out. For personal profit. At the expense of others. As people are literally dying, these people are focused on their bank account and how they can scam innocent and desperate people - the elderly, the infirm, parents, schools, neighbors and friends.
Do they feel guilty? Not at all. In fact, they gloated to The Star that they have "made a bundle in the past three weeks" and then reselling the items on Amazon to desperate private citizens and businesses.
Reports state that they are reselling a $20 six-pack of Lysol wipes on Amazon for $89!!! That is a 440% markup! Ranga gloated that he spent about $70,000 on wipes and has made over $100,000 in resale, bragging “It’s a big opportunity with all these products."
Amazon vowed to crack down on these type of opportunistic resellers. Other countries are taking even harsher steps, with Japan making the illegal reselling of face masks for profit an actual crime, with a possible sentence of one year in jail. But this type of vile behaviour could have been stopped at the store level, with mass retailers, like Costco, putting limits on purchases of certain items and flagging users who abuse the limits (Costco tracks purchases on your membership card).
The couple is unapologetic, believing that this is an "opportunity" and bragging that they are "hustlers."
I have a different word for them, but I do not think my editors will let me type it here. Suffice to say, I hope karma comes knocking.