Dinesh D'Souza Suggests COVID-19 Is 'Mostly In Blue States'

The conservative felon and fake historian joined Laura Ingraham in laughing about people dying from this pandemic.

The folks over at Fox "News" thinks it's hilarious that real journalists would like Trump to stop lying to the public, and start releasing lifesaving equipment like ventilators and n95 masks to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic marching through the nation. Literally hilarious.

Laura Ingraham said, "I was screaming laughing watching this..." referring to serious pleas calling for Trump to stop saying things like "this is just like the flu," and that hydroxychloroquine will cure this new coronavirus. That since he won't stop lying to the public, networks should stop airing his briefings. This makes Ingraham scream with laughter. That Trump is saying things that will kill people and the "lefty media" would like that to stop.

Dinesh D'Felon (Pardoned by Trump!) not only shared in the giggles, but went further to spread another lie: that the disease is spreading in blue states faster than in red states.

And also remember that a few weeks ago, Jennifer Rubin, the Never Trumper, and others were all putting out the idea that there was so much misinformation being put out by the president, and by Fox News, that we would see spreads of the coronavirus in the red states — Republicans would die. But in fact, interestingly, these spreads are mainly in the blue states.

And what I find kind of interesting is you have these blue state governors and mayors, and they are trying — they're criticizing Trump, but they also have the outstretched hand. They want Trump to intervene. The same guy that they've been calling a racist and a fascist for four years, and now they want the racist and the fascist to step in and help them out. You'd think that if a racist and fascist was the guy they needed, they'd prefer to go it alone.

Actually, as far as disease spread, it is the opposite of what D'Souza says. Of course, we at Crooks and Liars understand, and try to inform others, that disease knows no politics and does not choose its victims according to their voting record. Humans, however, choose how they digest information, to a large degree, and how they react, and it seems that COVID-19 is actually spreading faster in red states than blue.

Gee, wouldya look at that? So, it turns out that in the blue states, spread is slower. Notice that states with Republican governors who acted quickly to follow Dr. Fauci's advice, adhering closely to respected medical community guidelines, like Maryland and Ohio, spread has been slow there, too. In contrast, look at the red states like Florida and Mississippi, whose governors are decidedly anti-science and slavishly pro-Trump. The ones where they keep open the beaches and overrule the city and town ordinances to stay home. Trumpers are killing people. Period.

Finally, note the glee with which D'Felon gloats that people who called Trump the racist and fascist (that he is) actually want something from him. He finds that, I don't know, ironic? Funny? Cause for mirth? It is NOT contradictory, or hypocritical, or even inconsistent of us. All we have ever wanted in a president was kindness and efficiency. Knowledge and respect for citizens regardless of income and skin color. A racist, fascist president like Trump has no interest in any of that, and in fact, actively derides those things. It is entirely consistent for that fascist, narcissistic president to allow a pandemic to spread through the nation like wildfire, and withhold the money and supplies needed to treat it because it feeds his need for power and praise.

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