Don Lemon Shuts Down John Kasich's 'Fine' Review Of Trump's Speech
"Can I finish?" asks John Kasich. Don Lemon replies, "No, you can't!"
John Kasich used to be a Republican who stood up to Trump. What happened, John?
Mr. President, you've got to be serious, you've got to warn the country, we have to move forward. Just stick to the script and read what's on there.' And that's exactly what he did.
Don Lemon lost it.
DON LEMON: I just got to say, if the president came out to calm people's fears, he didn't do a good job of it because they've had to come back and clarify it several times. This has been going on long enough for them to get it straight. We need straight, accurate information from this president and from this administration, and we're not getting it.
And then the fireworks started.
"Can I finish?" Kasich shouted. Lemon told him he couldn’t. To which Kasich responded: "Oh I can't talk?"
Come on, John. Nothing Donald Trump is saying about this pandemic is "fine." And the standard for President of the United States, an office for which you ran, is higher than just delivering an address "as written."
Maybe having Trump-defending Republicans on CNN isn't a good idea if you want to be a "News Network."