Dr. Fauci Warns Coronavirus Deaths In US Could Top 100,000

The nation's leading infectious diseases expert gave his sober reality-based assessment this morning to CNN's Jake Tapper.

It's always shocking to hear someone from Trump's coronavirus task force say things that are based in reality, instead of just regurgitating Trump's Happy Talk bullshit.

And note, Dr. Fauci wasn't even giving credence to the worst-case scenarios, statistical models showing millions of deaths. What he said this morning should be sobering enough.

As of this writing, there were about 124,000 cases in the United States and over 2200 deaths.

Source: Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government's foremost infection disease expert says the United States could experience more than 100,000 deaths and millions of infections from the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, speaking on CNN's “State of the Union” on Sunday, offered his prognosis as the federal government weighs rolling back guidelines on social distancing in areas that have not been as hard-hit by the outbreak at the conclusion of the nationwide 15-day effort to slow the spread of the virus.

“I would say between 100,000 and 200,000 cases,” he said, correcting himself to say he meant deaths. “We're going to have millions of cases.” But he added “I don't want to be held to that” because the pandemic is “such a moving target.”

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