Stable Genius Responds To Serious Question: 'That's CNN, Fake News'

Donald Trump continues to be fully unable to do his job.

Donald Trump continues to be a failure of a human being and an even worse President*. His ability to manage the response to the coronavirus pandemic has been pathetic, weak and delusional. While schools, religious centers and sports arenas shutting down worldwide, Trump continues to say "everything is fine" to the public.

On Wednesday afternoon, Jim Acosta had a chance to ask Donald Trump a question. Trump had a totally logical and serious response. Kidding.

CNN's Jim Acosta: "What do you say to Americans who are concerned that you're not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don't match what your health experts are saying?"

President Trump: "That’s CNN. Fake news."

Twitter responded to Trump's ridiculous and nasty attitude:

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