John Oliver On Coronavirus: Trump Doesn't Know How Not To Lie

The comedian explains just how badly the administration did at calming down the nation.

John Oliver explains we need to be scared of the coronavirus -- but not too scared, and slammed the Trump administration for making things so much worse than they had to do. Via

“The White House messaging has been all over the place,” Olive said, pointing out that one of Trump’s advisors said that they have contained it…or “pretty close to airtight” when it comes to containing it. Just when you think they are sending mixed messages, Donald Trump puts Mike Pence in charge of leading a task force on the virus because he has apparently has a 'certain talent for this.'

“Does he, though?” Oliver questions. “I was under the impression that the only thing Pence had a certain talent for were avoiding off-leash women, sucking up to people who represent the antithesis of everything he claims to believe in, and miserably failing at a haircut known as the Judi Dench.”

Things got even more confusing during a press conference when Trump just left as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who should be leading the task force, tried to explain that he is not being replaced.

Oliver points out that he is downplaying any bad news and tweeted that the coronavirus was under control. He’s reluctant to admit that there will be more cases in the U.S. During the press conference, Trump’s experts blatantly said that cases will go up while he said they are going down.

“This is the problem with a president whose entire life has been a series of low-stakes lies,” Oliver explains. “A man who has lied about — among other things — his net worth, his Apprentice ratings, the number of floors in Trump tower, the size of his electoral college victory, the attendance at his rallies, whether it rained at his inauguration and whether or not he was invited to this very boring, low-rated show — which he wasn’t! It was a lie!”

Trump continued to pedal false hope when he said that the warmer weather in April will kill the virus and said that it was a “beautiful” thing to look forward to.

Be sure not to miss the Vietnamese public service announcement about washing your hands!

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