Mayor Pete Takes Over The Entire Jimmy Kimmel Show
They're not going to keep Pete in South Bend for long, it seems.
Pete Buttigieg was the surprise guest host on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Thursday night. Another surprise? No studio audience. Instead, Kimmel staffers and Mayor Pete's husband Chasten sat six feet apart in the studio auditorium.
"Due to public health concerns over the coronavirus — we have canceled the studio audience tonight. But a few kind Kimmel staffers and some friends, my husband Chasten are here instead — we’re gonna have a great time. Everyone is spread apart at the CDC-recommended distance," he said during his opening monologue. "This was not our plan. We just decided this a few hours ago. And it’s disappointing because as you all know, I love to crowd surf. It’s kinda my thing."
Pete was undeterred: "...when you don't have a real audience — you have to fake one, just like Trump's inauguration."
That’s going to be me in three months, isn’t it?
...A lot of folks are wondering how I ended up getting booked to host this show — and all I can say is that Iowa Caucus app really screwed everything up.
Star Trek Trivia with Patrick Stewart? We're there!