OPM Director Resigns After White House Hires ANOTHER College Student For Sensitive Post

Don't look now, but the director of Office of Personnel Management, Dale Cabaniss, resigned Tuesday in protest of how she was treated by one of Trump's latest college hunk hires, John McEntee.

Trump just hired yet another almost-college graduate to fill a high-level White House position with access to extremely sensitive information, and the power to influence hiring and firing, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management has had it. Dale Cabaniss — who has only held the job of OPM director since September 2019 — resigned on Tuesday, effective immediately, over treatment by Trump's director of the Presidential Personnel Office, John McEntee.

McEntee is all of 29 years old, and his raison d'etre seems to be to make certain all WH employees are sufficiently loyal and subservient to Hair Fuhrer, and willing to sing his praises to the heavens. Prince Andrew is not the only one who likes them young, apparently, though, since McEntee has hired three — THREE — more bucks who have not even yet graduated from college.

According to Politico:

As some prominent Democrats call for the military to help out more with the response to the coronavirus crisis, John Troup Hemenway has been hired on a 30-day detail to help the deputy director of the Presidential Personnel Office, Michael Burley, with paperwork for Defense Department political appointees, according to one of the people. Hemenway is expected to graduate from the University of Virginia in December.

Hemenway, who is in his 20s and started last week, is the third college senior to be hired in short order by the White House. One administration official praised him by saying he’s “really good at what he does.”

James Bacon, 23 and a senior at George Washington University, was hired to be one of McEntee’s righthand men as he tries to fill the Trump administration with loyalists and fire anyone who they suspect of disloyalty.

Anthony Labruna, who is expected to graduate from Iowa State University in May but was dismissed from the Trump campaign in February, was also recently named deputy White House liaison at the Department of Commerce.

The article continues that the White House is expected to hire Labruna quickly, because he's great at what he does. Which, besides being a College Republican, involved what, exactly?

This is also an interesting hire because an earlier Politico article stated that he was fired from the Trump campaign way back in February:

Labruna was dismissed from the Trump campaign in mid-February because of an unspecified "incident" with Trump Iowa campaign leadership and was asked to look for a different job, according to two people Labruna told about the matter.

Forgive and forget? Or no one will work for Trump at this point? It's anyone's guess at this point.

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