Sen. Kamala Harris Puts Misogyny On Blast After Sen. Warren Suspends Campaign
CNN's Athena Jones agrees with Sen. Harris that having women who support female candidates is not enough. Men must step up and be loud and clear about their allyship.
Discussing the news that Senator Elizabeth Warren has suspended her campaign for the Democratic nomination for president, John King and his panel listened to words of wisdom from Senator Kamala Harris — another former candidate who ended her campaign in December. Sen. Harris absolutely slammed the misogyny that STILL, in 2020, has such a large majority of voters doubting the capability and strength of a woman to lead this nation.
CNN reporter Athena Jones was even more explicit, as she expanded on what Senator Harris said.
It's not enough to have the support of women. It's imperative that female candidates have the vocal, outspoken support of men, too, if there is ever to be a hope that a girl's dream of seeing a woman in the Oval Office — or sitting there herself — might one day come true.